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Thursday, May 29, 2008


I just got back from Seattle, Washington. I improved my national record/personal best at the Club Northwest all comers meet, to 61.12 meters. This is the 4th time for the season. I'm not where I'd like to be with my technique. However, I'm sure if I clean a few things up that I'll throw a few meters further this season. I also managed to throw the shot put. I don't remember how far, but It was close to 13 meters. Yeah I know, I know, maybe I should stick to hammer. I'll post the results link when it becomes available.
I'm truly thankful to my two training buddies, Martin Bingisser and Dane "the milk man" Miller. Martin for getting the hammer into the meet program and Dane for putting up with me on the 4.5hr drive down there and back.
I'm also gracious to the Bingisser family for putting me up for two nights. When I return, I promise I'll be in shape to play Wii. I'm also sure that Dane will still be the short, waterlogged, virtual 9.56 100m world record holder and I'll continue to dominate the hammer and just about every other sport on that game.
Besides having a good meet, I was able to enjoy myself and drive through some of the most beautiful parts of B.C. I also learned that raw milk is quite expensive at Whole Foods and if paid at the right register, a friend can become a complete goof. HAHAHAH A, I know Dane is wetting himself right now.
Well 6 gallons of raw milk, a scenic drive, and an interesting boarder crossings, I'm safely back in Kamloops to get back to training.

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